Why I’m beginning the year in Austin
I ended last year by staying in Rio de Janeiro for a month. I’m starting 2019 in Austin, Texas. When I tell people this, the common reaction is confusion.
Austin’s quirky concoction of arts and tech attracted me. The plethora of hip food options alone would make for a good trip. Even so, I know the question isn’t “Why Austin?” but “Why not somewhere else?” Let me explain.
I wanted to take it easy at the beginning of the year and handle boring stuff like taxes and medical appointments. For various reasons I decided to spend February in New York. That left January as an open option.
I like traveling efficiently, so hopping back and forth across oceans was out. I wanted to at least stay within a nearby timezone. I researched cities and developed options. Based on curiosity, location and cost of living, Mexico City and Austin surfaced as my top choices.
Mexico City sounded nice. I could stuff myself with street food every day. The low cost of living would help save money. I could recreate the few interesting scenes from “Roma.” It could’ve made for a pleasant January. However, visiting distant lands comes with the obligation to explore.
That’s not a problem when vacationing, but it’s tricky when working remotely. It’s hard to stay inside and be productive when a foreign country awaits outside. I’ve kept up with work while traveling, but I haven’t been as productive as I’d like. I developed a backlog of personal projects and interests and grew anxious as they piled up. I knew I could visit Austin and be productive without compounding self-inflicted angst.
Along with that, I noticed a need to restore. I traveled for nearly eight months last year. I’d be a psychopath if I said that didn’t wear on me. While I’ve grown increasingly accustomed to traveling, I’ve also gotten better at knowing when to slow down and recharge. Otherwise, I lose my desire to explore and enjoy a trip. Can't have that.
I’ve written about this before, but a key element to replenishing is being back in my own culture. Granted, American culture can be aggravating (turn on the radio or read any major headline), but speaking English and knowing the norms makes daily life much simpler.
So I chose Austin. Yes, I could be fighting my way through the underground lucha libre circuit by now, but I'll save that for another time.