Week In Review - Jan 12, 2025

This week I discuss the fires in Los Angeles, recommend an app, and share news insights and updates.

Los Angeles Fires

This week will be transformative for the city, an examination of who we are when it matters. For me, it’s been informative, once again revealing my core values and objectives.

To keep it simple:

  • It’s better to care for others than blame them.

  • Value your objects—without getting too attached.

  • Research how to prepare for potential emergencies. Follow through.

  • Do what you can with what you have while you still can.

Beautiful things come from chaos. I look forward to seeing the city rise from this incident.

App Recommendation

The app Watch Duty is easily the share of the week. It became the virally popular solution for L.A. residents to track fire news, providing comprehensive maps and information. I highly recommend downloading this and keeping it on your phone in case of emergency.

The Watch Duty homepage. App is available across platforms.

AI Updates

Even though it’s impossible to predict how, 2025 will surely be a big year for AI. This week’s Hard Fork episode features quiet yet critical news on AI advancements.

Mainly, AI models are advancing stunningly fast. Some research versions are now capable of performing incredibly hard tasks that were impossible for them only a few years ago.

Oh, and apparently, Sam Altman thinks OpenAI figured out how to make AGI, and now they just have to implement the plan. Big stuff, especially when some consider that AGI surpasses human intelligence.

What the video describes is the potential disruption that may have. For example, when you can hire an AI coworker that’s decently capable of performing most basic computer-based tasks, your workplace tomorrow might resemble something almost unthinkable today.

Big changes are likely coming sooner than expected. It’s something else to prepare for, though there is plenty of positive potential. The unexpected is the only certainty.

Notion Template Updates

I made several updates to my Notion template products, adding features and fields according to new methods and more time with the templates.

For example, I changed the rating systems in the entertainment database templates from numbers to select fields with star options. This should make the system more visual and intuitive for most users.

I completed small changes like this throughout and included cover images to help the templates stand out in Notion. I hope these updates will improve workflows and add value for users.


It wasn’t a great week for the arts. It’s difficult to sink yourself into something when you’re worried about critical notifications that might pop up at any given moment.

Thankfully, I was able to return home with my vinyl collection and books intact. A simple act I’m incredibly grateful for.

The first record I played was Sky Blue Sky by Wilco. Its lyrics were strikingly potent throughout, though strongest in the first words:

Maybe the sun will shine today

The clouds will roll away

Maybe I won’t be so afraid

I will try to understand

Either way


Week In Review - Jan 5, 2025